Thursday, September 13, 2012

Purpose of this Blog

I am not usually the type that expresses my thoughts a lot. I am usually a introverted kind of person who is satisfied with hearing other peoples opinions... while keeping my own opinions to myself. Through this blog, I hope to express a little of who I am, my beliefs, and yes, my opinions! To do this, I'll have to get out of my comfort zone a little...okay, maybe more than a little. Hopefully one day I'll actually ENJOY doing this. I'd like to mostly write about the topic of Family and Family Relations. I am majoring in Marriage and Family Studies at BYU-Idaho where I am learning to love learning. Growing up, I HATED school and often begged my parents to let me stay home. I dreaded doing homework and put in as little effort as possible into getting the grade. Something clicked while I was in college and I have found a passion for learning. Anything...and Everything. I would love to just stay in college forever. (Minus the exams and walking to school in freezing weather and snow). There are many different majors I could have chosen and been interested in. But I was drawn toward Marriage and Family studies. Maybe because my dream is to be a mother. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which has influenced my belief that it is a privilege to be a parent and I view being a mother as a great honor and blessing. I will share my views on Family as I continue my courses throughout this school semester. Okay, maybe expressing my thoughts wasn't as hard as I thought! Hopefully you will return in the future to find some deeply interesting stuff! :)

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