Friday, October 5, 2012

Discussing Family in Culture and Social Class

This week in class we have talked about how social class and culture can affect the family. I started thinking about what type of external experiences affected my family and how my family might have been different in another culture. I came to the conclusion that each person in my family would be different which would influence our whole family unit. For instance, in a show called "People Like Us" ( which you can view on YouTube) Tammy and her family lived in poverty. This "social class" that they are considered in directly affected their relationships with each other. Walking 10 miles to work and back every day, due to lack of funds to buy transportation, took away precious time Tammy could be spending with her children. They lived in a trailer and one of her children refused to invite friends over to their house because he was embarrassed of his families "class". This directly influenced his relationships with friends. Culture, social class, religion: all of these things influence your family relationship and interactions. How might your family be different if you changed these things?

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